Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 87758
The Association of Cone-Shaped Epiphysis and Poland Syndrome: A Case Report
Authors: Mohammad Alqattan, Tala Alkhunani, Reema Al, Aldawish, Felwa Almurshard, Abdullah Alzahrani
: Poland’s Syndrome is a congenital anomaly with two clinical features : unilateral agenesis of the pectoralis major and ipsilateral hand symbrachydactyly. Case presentation: We report a rare case of bilateral Poland’s syndrome with several unique features. Discussion: Poland’s syndrome is thought to be due to a vascular insult to the subclavian axis around the 6th week of gestation. Our patient has multiple rare and unique features of Poland’s syndrome. Conclusion: To our best knowledge, for the first time in the literature we associate Poland’s syndrome with cone-shaped epiphysis of the metacarpals of all fingers. Bilaterality, cleft hand deformity, and dextrocardia, were also rare features in our patient.Keywords: Poland's syndrome, cleft hand deformity, bilaterality, dextrocardia, cone-shaped epiphysis
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