Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 87758
Closest Possible Neighbor of a Different Class: Explaining a Model Using a Neighbor Migrating Generator
Authors: Hassan Eshkiki, Benjamin Mora
The Neighbor Migrating Generator is a simple and efficient approach to finding the closest potential neighbor(s) with a different label for a given instance and so without the need to calibrate any kernel settings at all. This allows determining and explaining the most important features that will influence an AI model. It can be used to either migrate a specific sample to the class decision boundary of the original model within a close neighborhood of that sample or identify global features that can help localising neighbor classes. The proposed technique works by minimizing a loss function that is divided into two components which are independently weighted according to three parameters α, β, and ω, α being self-adjusting. Results show that this approach is superior to past techniques when detecting the smallest changes in the feature space and may also point out issues in models like over-fitting.Keywords: explainable AI, EX AI, feature importance, counterfactual explanations
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