Nano Ceramics Materials in Clean Rooms: Properties and Characterization
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 87758
Nano Ceramics Materials in Clean Rooms: Properties and Characterization

Authors: HebatAllah Tarek, Zeyad El-Sayad, Ali F. Bakr


Surface coating can permit the bulk materials to remain unchanged, whereas the surface functionality is engineered to afford a more required characteristic. Nano-Ceramic coatings are considered ideal coatings on materials that can significantly improve the surface properties, including anti-fouling, self-cleaning, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, anti-scratch, waterproof, anti-acid rain and anti-asphalt. Furthermore, various techniques have been utilized to fabricate a range of different ceramic coatings with more desirable properties on Nano-ceramics, which make the materials usually used in in-service environments and worth mentioning that the practical part of this study will be applied in one of the most important architectural applications due to the contamination-free conditions provided by it in the manufacturing industry. Without cleanrooms, products will become contaminated and either malfunction or infect people with bacteria. Cleanrooms are used for the manufacture of items used in computers, cars, airplanes, spacecraft, televisions, disc players and many other electronic and mechanical devices, as well as the manufacture of medicines, medical devices, and foods. The aim of this study will be to examine the Nano-ceramics on porcelain and glass panels. The investigation will be included fabrications, methods, surface properties and applications in clean rooms. The unfamiliarity in this study is using Nano-ceramics in clean rooms instead of using them on metallic materials.

Keywords: nano-ceramic coating, clean rooms, porcelain, surface properties

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