e-Commerce versus m-Commerce: Where is the Dividing Line?
Authors: Priscilla Omonedo, Paul Bocij
Since the emergence of e-Commerce, the world of business has witnessed a radical shift in the way business activities are conducted. However, the emergence of m-Commerce has further pushed the boundaries of virtual commerce revolution. As a result, there seems to be a growing blur in the distinction between e- Commerce and m-Commerce. In addition, existing definitions for both forms of commerce highlight characteristics (e.g. type of device and activity conducted) that may be applicable to both concepts. The aim of this paper is to identify the characteristics that help define and delineate between e- and m- Commerce. The paper concludes that characteristics of mobility, ubiquity and immediacy provide a clearer and simpler template to distinguish between e-Commerce and m- Commerce.
Keywords: e-Commerce, m-Commerce, mobility, ubiquity.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1097086
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