Analysis of Secondary School Students’ Perceptions about Information Technologies through a Word Association Test
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33122
Analysis of Secondary School Students’ Perceptions about Information Technologies through a Word Association Test

Authors: Fetah Eren, Ismail Sahin, Ismail Celik, Ahmet Oguz Akturk


The aim of this study is to discover secondary school students’ perceptions related to information technologies and the connections between concepts in their cognitive structures. A word association test consisting of six concepts related to information technologies is used to collect data from 244 secondary school students. Concept maps that present students’ cognitive structures are drawn with the help of frequency data. Data are analyzed and interpreted according to the connections obtained as a result of the concept maps. It is determined students associate most with these concepts—computer, Internet, and communication of the given concepts, and associate least with these concepts—computer-assisted education and information technologies. These results show the concepts, Internet, communication, and computer, are an important part of students’ cognitive structures. In addition, students mostly answer computer, phone, game, Internet and Facebook as the key concepts. These answers show students regard information technologies as a means for entertainment and free time activity, not as a means for education.

Keywords: Word association test, cognitive structure, information technology, secondary school.

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