Developing Intellectual Capital to Advance Innovation and Entrepreneurial Capacity and Sustain Knowledge Economy
Authors: Hamid Alalwany, Nabeel A. Koshak, Mohammad K. Ibrahim
Both knowledge economy and sustainable development are considered key dimensions in the policy action lines of many developed and developing countries. In this context, universities and other higher education institutes have a vital role in developing and sustaining wellbeing communities.
In this paper, the authors’ aim is to address the links between the concepts of innovation and entrepreneurial capacity and knowledge economy, and to utilize the approach of intellectual capital development in building a sustainable knowledge economy.
The paper will contribute to two discourses:
- Developing a common understanding of the intersection aspects between the three concepts: Knowledge economy, Innovation and entrepreneurial system, and sustainable development.
- Paving the road towards developing an integrated multidimensional framework for sustainable knowledge economy.
Keywords: Innovation and Entrepreneurial Capacity, Intellectual Capital Development, Sustainable Development, Sustainable Knowledge Economy.
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