Understanding Primary School Students’ Beliefs Regarding the Adoption of Pro-Environmental Behaviors
Authors: Astrid de Leeuw, Pierre Valois
Environmental education is the key to enhancing or changing students’ ways of thinking and acting in order to create an environmentally robust future for all. The present study investigates the beliefs of 812 primary school students, which merit consideration when developing educational interventions. Results of multiple regression analyses reveal that educational interventions should focus on promoting students’ feelings of control over pro-environmental behaviors (PEB). For example, schools could provide recycling bins on the premises. Furthermore, it is critical to develop positive attitudes in students by stressing the various benefits of PEB for keeping our planet clean and protecting wildlife. Unfortunately, our results indicate that students believe that PEB is boring and annoying. Suggestions are offered for making PEB more interesting and relevant. Further research is needed to test the effectiveness of interventions based on the present results.
Keywords: Pro-environmental behaviors, primary school students, theory of planned behavior, beliefs, educational interventions.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1092548
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