Empirical Research on Preference for Conflict Resolution Styles of Owners and Contractors in China
Authors: Junqi Zhao, Yongqiang Chen
Preference for different conflict resolution styles is influenced by cultural background and power distance of two parties involving in conflict. This research put forward 7 hypotheses and tested the preference differences of the five conflict resolution styles between Chinese owner and contractor as well as the preference differences concerning the same style between two parties. The research sample includes 202 practitioners from construction enterprises in mainland China. Research result found that theories concerning conflict resolution styles could be applied in the Chinese construction industry. Some results of this research were not in line with former research, and this research also gave explanation to the differences from the characteristics of construction projects. Based on the findings, certain suggestions were made to serve as a guidance for managers to choose appropriate conflict resolution styles for a better handling of conflict.
Keywords: Chinese Owner and Contractor, Conflict, Construction Project, Conflict Resolution Styles.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1092477
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