Face Recognition Based On Vector Quantization Using Fuzzy Neuro Clustering
Authors: Elizabeth B. Varghese, M. Wilscy
A face recognition system is a computer application for automatically identifying or verifying a person from a digital image or a video frame. A lot of algorithms have been proposed for face recognition. Vector Quantization (VQ) based face recognition is a novel approach for face recognition. Here a new codebook generation for VQ based face recognition using Integrated Adaptive Fuzzy Clustering (IAFC) is proposed. IAFC is a fuzzy neural network which incorporates a fuzzy learning rule into a competitive neural network. The performance of proposed algorithm is demonstrated by using publicly available AT&T database, Yale database, Indian Face database and a small face database, DCSKU database created in our lab. In all the databases the proposed approach got a higher recognition rate than most of the existing methods. In terms of Equal Error Rate (ERR) also the proposed codebook is better than the existing methods.
Keywords: Face Recognition, Vector Quantization, Integrated Adaptive Fuzzy Clustering, Self Organization Map.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1090771
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