Corporate Governance, Shareholder Monitoring and Cost of Debt in Malaysia
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33122
Corporate Governance, Shareholder Monitoring and Cost of Debt in Malaysia

Authors: Zulkufly Ramly


This paper attempts to investigate the effect of corporate governance and shareholder monitoring mechanisms on cost of debt of Malaysian listed firms. We assess the quality of corporate governance using comprehensive corporate governance index, which consists of 139 items in six broad categories. We classify shareholder monitoring mechanisms into concentrated ownership, family, insider and government ownerships. Using panel sample from 2003 to 2007, regression results show that high corporate governance quality and concentrated ownership lower firm cost of debt. Debt issuers consider board structure and procedures, board compensation practices, accountability and audit, transparency and social and environmental activities as integral components of a good corporate governance framework.

Keywords: Corporate governance index, cost of debt, ownership structure, Malaysia.

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