The Role of Middle Class in Forming of Consumption Habits of Market Institutions among Kazakh Households in Transition Period
Authors: Daurenbek Kuleimenov, Elmira Otar
Market institutions extension within transit societies contributes to constituting the new type of middle class and households livelihood strategies. The middle class households as an example of prosperity in many cases encourage the ordinary ones to do the same economic actions. Therefore, practices of using market institutions by middle class households in transit societies, which are mostly characterized by huge influence of traditional attitudes, can carry habitual features for the whole society. Market institutions consumption habit of the middle class households makes them trendsetters of economic habits of other households while adapting to the market economy. Moreover different social-economic positions of households lead them to different consuming results such as worsening or improving household economy due to indebtedness.
Keywords: Middle class, Households, Market institutions, Transition.
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