Women's Religiosity as a Factor in the Persistence of Religious Traditions: Kazakhstan, the XX Century
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
Women's Religiosity as a Factor in the Persistence of Religious Traditions: Kazakhstan, the XX Century

Authors: G. E. Nadirova, B. Zh. Aktaulova


The main question of the research is - how did the Kazakhs manage to keep their religious thinking in the period of active propaganda of Soviet atheism, for seventy years of struggle against religion with the involvement of the scientific worldview as the primary means of proving the absence of the divine nature and materiality of the world?

Our hypothesis is that In case of Kazakhstan the conservative female religious consciousness seems to have been a factor that helped to preserve the “everyday” religiousness of Kazakhs, which was far from deep theological contents of Islam, but able to revive in a short time after the decennia of proclaimed atheism.

Keywords: Woman, Religious thinking, Kazakhstan, Soviet ideology, Rituals, Family.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1335928

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