Academic Performance of Engineering Students: The Role of Abilities & Learning Style
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 33132
Academic Performance of Engineering Students: The Role of Abilities & Learning Style

Authors: Sumita Chowhan


Abilities are important for academic success. Yet, abilities cannot be the whole story. Styles might be one source of unexplained variation. A style is a preferred way of using ones abilities. Students are thought to be incompetent not because they are lacking in abilities, but because their styles do not match the academic course chosen. The purpose of the study was to determine the role of abilities and learning styles in prediction of academic performance and their adjustment. Participants were 272 engineering students. The tools used are Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Culture Fair Intelligence Test and Student Problem Checklist. The statistical procedures employed were t-test, correlations and stepwise regressions. The analyses of the data indicated that although abilities are better predictors of academic performance, learning styles also shown a significant relationship. The study also indicates that if students learning styles matches to their chosen academic course, they tend to show better performance and less adjustment problems.

Keywords: Abilities, Academic Performance, Adjustment, Learning Styles.

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