Into Insights of Contextual Governance Framework for Religious Non-Profit Organizations
Authors: Saunah Zainon, Ruhaya Atan, Nadzira Yahaya, Marshita Hashim
Governance in business firms is a topic that has long been studied in the literature. Traditionally, governance in business firms has focused on the roles of boards of directors in representing and protecting the interests of shareholders. Governance has also been studied in the context of non-profit organizations because good governance is essential to increase the likelihood that they will comply with the regulatory requirements that best serve their multiple stakeholders. This paper provides insights on the need of governance framework for religious non-profit organizations (RNPOs) based on five underlying principles. This paper is important to help regulators to understand RNPOs’ governance framework. The regulators may use the framework suggested for the development of the RNPOs’ code of governance in the future.
Keywords: Framework, governance, religious, RNPOs.
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