Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
A Study on the Circumstances Affecting Elementary School Students in Their Familyand School Lives and Their Consequential Emotions
Authors: Osman Samancı, Ramazan Kaya
The purpose of this study is to determine the circumstances affecting elementary school students in their family and school lives and what kind of emotions children may feel because of these circumstances. The study was carried out according to the survey model. Four Turkish elementary schools provided 123 fourth grade students for participation in the study. The study-s data were collected by using worksheets for the activity titled “Important Days in Our Lives", which was part of the Elementary School Social Sciences Course 4th Grade Education Program. Data analysis was carried out according to the content analysis technique used in qualitative research. The study detected that circumstances of their family and school lives caused children to feel emotions such as happiness, sadness, anger, fear and jealousy. The circumstances and the emotions caused by these circumstances were analyzed according to gender and interpreted by presenting them with their frequencies.Keywords: Elementary school students, emotional development, family and school, social development.
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