Transferring Route Plan over Time
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33122
Transferring Route Plan over Time

Authors: Barıs Kocer, Ahmet Arslan


Travelling salesman problem (TSP) is a combinational optimization problem and solution approaches have been applied many real world problems. Pure TSP assumes the cities to visit are fixed in time and thus solutions are created to find shortest path according to these point. But some of the points are canceled to visit in time. If the problem is not time crucial it is not important to determine new routing plan but if the points are changing rapidly and time is necessary do decide a new route plan a new approach should be applied in such cases. We developed a route plan transfer method based on transfer learning and we achieved high performance against determining a new model from scratch in every change.

Keywords: genetic algorithms, transfer learning, travellingsalesman problem

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