Swedish: Being or Becoming? Immigration, National Identity and the Democratic State
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33122
Swedish: Being or Becoming? Immigration, National Identity and the Democratic State

Authors: Hans Lödén


This article discusses superordinate national identity as a means for immigrants integration into democratic polities. It is suggested that a superordinate national identity perceived as inclusive, by immigrants and by the native population, would be conducive to such integration. Command of the dominant language of society is seen as most important of the inclusive criteria. Other such criteria are respect of the country's political institutions and feelings of belonging to the country where you live. The argument is supported by data, showing a majority in favour of inclusive criteria for 'Swedishness', from a recent study among 1000 secondary school students of 'Swedish' and non-'Swedish' backgrounds.

Keywords: Democratic state, exclusion, immigration, inclusion, superordinate national identity, Sweden.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1072595

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