Effect of Shared Competences in Industrial Districts on Knowledge Creation and Absorptive Capacity
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 33122
Effect of Shared Competences in Industrial Districts on Knowledge Creation and Absorptive Capacity

Authors: César Camisón-Zornoza, Beatriz Forés-Julián, Alba Puig-Denia


The literature has argued that firms based in industrial districts enjoy advantages for creating internal knowledge and absorbing external knowledge as a consequence of to the knowledge flows and spillovers that exist in the district. However, empirical evidence to show how belonging to an industrial district affects the business processes of creation and absorption of knowledge is scarce and, moreover, empirical research has not taken into account the influence of variations in the flows of knowledge circulating in each cluster. This study aims to extend empirical evidence on the effect that the stock of shared competencies in industrial districts has on the business processes of creation and absorption of knowledge, through data from an initial study on 952 firms and 35 industrial districts in Spain.

Keywords: Absorptive capacity, industrial district, knowledge creation, organisational learning

Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1071766

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