Analysis of the Genetic Sequences of PCV2 Virus in Mexico
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33018
Analysis of the Genetic Sequences of PCV2 Virus in Mexico

Authors: Robles F, Chevez J, Angulo R, Díaz E, González C.


These All pig-producing countries from around the world report the presence of Postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS.) In America, PCV2 has been recognized in Canada, United States and Brazil. Knowledge concerning the genetic sequences of PMWS has been very important. In Mexico, there is no report describing the genetic sequences and variations of the PCV2 virus present around the country. For this reason, the main objective was to describe the homology and genetic sequences of the PCV2 virus obtained from different regions of Mexico. The results show that in Mexico are present both subgenotypes \"a\" and \"b\" of this virus and the homologies are from 89 to 99%. Regarding with the aminoacid sequence, three major heterogenic regions were present in the position 59-91, 123–136 and 185–210. This study presents the results of the first genetic characterization of PCV2 in production herds from Mexico.

Keywords: PCV-2, sequencing analysis, Mexico

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