Political Finance in Africa: Ethiopia as a Case Study
Authors: Wondwosen Teshome B.
Since 1991 Ethiopia has officially adopted multi-party democracy. At present, there are 89 registered political parties in the country. Though political parties play an important role in the functioning of a democratic government, how to fund them is an issue of major concern. Political parties and individual candidates running for political office have to raise funds for election campaigns, and to survive as political candidates. The aim of this paper is to examine party funding problems in Africa by taking the case of Ethiopia as an example. The paper also evaluates the motives of local and international donors in giving financial and material support to political parties in emerging democracies and assesses the merits and de-merits of their donations.
Keywords: Africa, State funding, Ethiopia, Political finance, Political party, Western donors.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1071530
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