Attributions by Team Members for Team Outcomes in Finnish Working Life
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33122
Attributions by Team Members for Team Outcomes in Finnish Working Life

Authors: Maarit Valo, Pertti Hurme


This study focuses on teamwork in Finnish working life. Through a wide cross-section of teams the study examines the causes to which team members attribute the outcomes of their teams. Qualitative data was collected from 314 respondents. They wrote 616 stories to describe memorable experiences of success and failure in teamwork. The stories revealed 1930 explanations. The findings indicate that both favorable and unfavorable team outcomes are perceived as being caused by the characteristics of team members, relationships between members, team communication, team structure, team goals, team leadership, and external forces. The types represent different attribution levels in the context of organizational teamwork.

Keywords: Team, teamwork, team outcomes, workplace, working life.

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