Replicating Data Objects in Large-scale Distributed Computing Systems using Extended Vickrey Auction
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 33132
Replicating Data Objects in Large-scale Distributed Computing Systems using Extended Vickrey Auction

Authors: Samee Ullah Khan, Ishfaq Ahmad


This paper proposes a novel game theoretical technique to address the problem of data object replication in largescale distributed computing systems. The proposed technique draws inspiration from computational economic theory and employs the extended Vickrey auction. Specifically, players in a non-cooperative environment compete for server-side scarce memory space to replicate data objects so as to minimize the total network object transfer cost, while maintaining object concurrency. Optimization of such a cost in turn leads to load balancing, fault-tolerance and reduced user access time. The method is experimentally evaluated against four well-known techniques from the literature: branch and bound, greedy, bin-packing and genetic algorithms. The experimental results reveal that the proposed approach outperforms the four techniques in both the execution time and solution quality.

Keywords: Auctions, data replication, pricing, static allocation.

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