A Hybrid Recommender System based on Collaborative Filtering and Cloud Model
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33132
A Hybrid Recommender System based on Collaborative Filtering and Cloud Model

Authors: Chein-Shung Hwang, Ruei-Siang Fong


User-based Collaborative filtering (CF), one of the most prevailing and efficient recommendation techniques, provides personalized recommendations to users based on the opinions of other users. Although the CF technique has been successfully applied in various applications, it suffers from serious sparsity problems. The cloud-model approach addresses the sparsity problems by constructing the user-s global preference represented by a cloud eigenvector. The user-based CF approach works well with dense datasets while the cloud-model CF approach has a greater performance when the dataset is sparse. In this paper, we present a hybrid approach that integrates the predictions from both the user-based CF and the cloud-model CF approaches. The experimental results show that the proposed hybrid approach can ameliorate the sparsity problem and provide an improved prediction quality.

Keywords: Cloud model, Collaborative filtering, Hybridrecommender system

Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1334241

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