Individual Learning and Collaborative Knowledge Building with Shared Digital Artifacts
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
Individual Learning and Collaborative Knowledge Building with Shared Digital Artifacts

Authors: Joachim Kimmerle, Johannes Moskaliuk, Ulrike Cress


The development of Internet technology in recent years has led to a more active role of users in creating Web content. This has significant effects both on individual learning and collaborative knowledge building. This paper will present an integrative framework model to describe and explain learning and knowledge building with shared digital artifacts on the basis of Luhmann-s systems theory and Piaget-s model of equilibration. In this model, knowledge progress is based on cognitive conflicts resulting from incongruities between an individual-s prior knowledge and the information which is contained in a digital artifact. Empirical support for the model will be provided by 1) applying it descriptively to texts from Wikipedia, 2) examining knowledge-building processes using a social network analysis, and 3) presenting a survey of a series of experimental laboratory studies.

Keywords: Individual learning, collaborative knowledge building, systems theory, equilibration.

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