Electoral Violence in Africa: Experience from Ethiopia
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 32910
Electoral Violence in Africa: Experience from Ethiopia

Authors: Wondwosen Teshome


It is impossible to think about democracy without elections. The litmus test of any electoral process in any country is the possibility of a one time minority to become a majority at another time and a peaceful transition of power. In many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa though the multi-party elections appeared to be competitive they failed the acid test of democracy: peaceful regime change in a free and fair election. Failure to solve electoral disputes might lead to bloody electoral conflicts as witnessed in many emerging democracies in Africa. The aim of this paper is to investigate electoral conflicts in Africa since the end of the Cold War by using the 2005 post-election violence in Ethiopia as a case study. In Ethiopia, the coming to power of the EPRDF in 1991 marked the fall of the Derg dictatorial military government and the beginning of a multi-party democracy. The country held multi-party parliamentary elections in 1995, 2000, and 2005 where the ruling EPRDF party “won" the elections through violence, involving intimidation, manipulation, detentions of political opponents, torture, and political assassinations. The 2005 electoral violence was the worst electoral violence in the country-s political history that led to the death of 193 protestors and the imprisonment of more than 40, 000 people. It is found out that the major causes of the 2005 Ethiopian election were the defeat of the ruling party in the election and its attempt to reverse the poll results by force; the Opposition-s lack of decisive leadership; the absence of independent courts and independent electoral management body; and the ruling party-s direct control over the army and police.

Keywords: Africa, Ethiopia, Election, Electoral violence, NEBE.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1333474

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[274] Imiru Zeleke (21 November 2005), (Accessed 10 December 2005).
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[276] Sudan Tribune, "Ethiopia-The Oromo protest in Oromia on its fifth day", 17 November 2005.
[277] Reuters, "Ethiopia downplays massacre, uprising reports", 18 November 2005.
[278] Reuters, "Ethiopian opposition leaders in court, denied bail," 07 November2005.
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[282] Pippa Norris, Choosing Electoral Systems: Proportional, Majoritarian and Mixed Systems. International Political Science Review vol. 18 no 3, 1997, pp 297-312.
[283] NED (National Endowment for Democracy), "The Backlash against Democracy Assistance: A Report prepared by the National Endowment for Democracy for Senator Richard G. Lugar, Chairman Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate, 8 June 2006.
[284] The Reporter, "We Abhor Ethnic Race baiting", 2 July 2005, Vol. IX, No. 460.
[285] CUD, "Press Release", 26 May 2005.
[286] WIC, "Executive Committee of OPDO moves capital city to Finfinne," 10 June 2005. See also, BBC "Ethiopia PM reaches out to Oromos: Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi says he is willing to open talks with the main guerrilla movement fighting his government, the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF)" ,13 September 2005; The Daily Monitor, "Meles Says Willing to Negotiate with OLF", 14 September 2005, Vol. XII, No. 313.
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[290] Tesfaye Gebreab, "Yegazetegnaw Mastawosha" ("The Journalist's Memoir"). Cape Town, 200 lEC.
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[292] Staffan I Lindberg, "Better turn the other cheek: the tragedy of electoral boycott and protest". Paper prepared for Division 45, Panel "Opposition Politics under Electoral Authoritarianism, the 2004 APSA Annual meeting, Chicago 1-4 September 2004.
[293] Ethiopian Forum for Political Civility, Interview with Sebhat Nega (Audio), 28 May 2007.
[294] WIC, "EDUP-complains About Harassment of Candidates Justice, Security Deny Charges", 22 November 1999.
[295] The Reporter, "Commissioner Admits the Use of Untrained Force," 25 June 2005, Vol. IX, No. 459.
[296] Inter Parliamentary Union, "ETHIOPIA:Parliamentary Chamber: Yehizib Twekayoch Mekir Bete. elections held in 1995", 1995.
[297] Paul Wachter, "Bush's Somalia strategy enables an Ethiopian despot", The Nation, 14 February 2007.
[298] FES and CCR, "Political and Electoral Violence in East Africa" Working papers on conflict management No.2 FES and CCR, Nairobi, 2001.
[299] Xinhuanet, "Ethiopia starts to announce election results", 21 May 2005.
[300] BBC, "Ethiopia ruling bloc 'win polls', 2005-05-28.
[301] Sudan Tribune, "Ethiopian government rejects opposition offer on peace deal", 13 June 2005.
[302] BBC, "Crisis over Ethiopia poll probe: Trust between Ethiopia's political parties has broken down over attempts to resolve May's disputed election, according to a senior diplomat," 2005-07-07.
[303] Reuters, 21 November 2005.
[304] BBC, "Ethiopia opposition treason move", 9 November 2005.
[305] John Young, Peasant Revolution in Ethiopia: The Tigray People's Liberation Front, 1975-1991. Cambridge University Press, 2006.
[306] US Embassy in Ethiopia,"Statement by Ambassador Vicki Huddleston, Charge D'Affaires of the U.S. Embassy, and Ambassador Bob Dewar, Ambassador of the United Kingdom. "http://addisababa.usembassy.org/
[307] Reuters, "Two dead in fresh Ethiopia unrest: residents, "5 November 2005.
[308] The Ethiopian Herald, "Court adjourns today to pass verdict on CUD's charges against NEBE", 20 August 2005, Vol. LXI, No. 295. See also The Ethiopian Herald , "Federal High Court orders NEBE to respond to CUD's charges", 19 August 2005, Vol. LXI, No. 294; The Ethiopian Herald, "CUD files charges against NEBE", 19 August 2005, Vol. LXI, No. 294; The Ethiopian Herald, "Court reaches verdict favoring CUD", 23 August 2005, Vol. LXI, No. 297.
[309] The Ethiopian Herald, "Electoral Board declares EPRDF May 15 elections winner", 10 August 2005, Vol. LXI, No. 286.
[310] Abay,:"Kinijit bemela Ethiopia yesebat ken adima tera" ("CUD calls for seven-day strike"), Tikimt 19, 1998EC/ 10-29-2005GC.