Adaptive Radio Resource Allocation for Multiple Traffic OFDMA Broadband Wireless Access System
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33122
Adaptive Radio Resource Allocation for Multiple Traffic OFDMA Broadband Wireless Access System

Authors: Lu Yanhui, Zhang Lizhi, Yin Changchuan, Yue Guangxin


In this paper, an adaptive radio resource allocation (RRA) algorithm applying to multiple traffic OFDMA system is proposed, which distributes sub-carrier and loading bits among users according to their different QoS requirements and traffic class. By classifying and prioritizing the users based on their traffic characteristic and ensuring resource for higher priority users, the scheme decreases tremendously the outage probability of the users requiring a real time transmission without impact on the spectrum efficiency of system, as well as the outage probability of data users is not increased compared with the RRA methods published.

Keywords: OFDMA, adaptive radio resource allocation, QoS.

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