Digital Narrative as a Change Agent to Teach Reading to Media-Centric Students
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33122
Digital Narrative as a Change Agent to Teach Reading to Media-Centric Students

Authors: Robert F. Kenny


Because today-s media centric students have adopted digital as their native form of communication, teachers are having increasingly difficult time motivating reluctant readers to read and write. Our research has shown these text-averse individuals can learn to understand the importance of reading and writing if the instruction is based on digital narratives. While these students are naturally attracted to story, they are better at consuming them than creating them. Therefore, any intervention that utilizes story as its basis needs to include instruction on the elements of story making. This paper presents a series of digitally-based tools to identify potential weaknesses of visually impaired visual learners and to help motivate these and other media-centric students to select and complete books that are assigned to them

Keywords: Cognitive tempo, digital narratives, digital Booktalk

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