Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33122
Numerical Study of Hypersonic Glide Vehicle based on Blunted Waverider
Authors: Liu Jian-xia, Hou Zhong-xi, Chen Xiao-qing
The waverider is proved to be a remarkably useful configuration for hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV) in terms of the high lift-to-drag ratio. Due to the severe aerodynamic heating and the processing technical restriction, the sharp leading edge of waverider should be blunted, and then the flow characteristics and the aerodynamic performance along the trajectory will change. In this paper, the flow characteristics of a HGV, including the rarefied gas effect and transition phenomenon, were studied based on a reference trajectory. A numerical simulation was carried out to study the performance of the HGV under a typical condition.Keywords: Aerodynamic, CFD, Thermodynamic, Waverider
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