From I.A Richards to Web 3.0: Preparing Our Students for Tomorrow's World
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33122
From I.A Richards to Web 3.0: Preparing Our Students for Tomorrow's World

Authors: Karen Armstrong


This paper offers suggestions for educators at all levels about how to better prepare our students for the future, by building on the past. The discussion begins with a summary of changes in the World Wide Web, especially as the term Web 3.0 is being heard. The bulk of the discussion is retrospective and concerned with an overview of traditional teaching and research approaches as they evolved during the 20th century beginning with those grounded in the Cartesian reality of IA Richards- (1929) Practical Criticism. The paper concludes with a proposal of five strategies which incorporate timeless elements from the past as well as cutting-edge elements from today, in order to better prepare our students for the future.

Keywords: Web 3.0, Web 2.0 IA Richards, literacy education, new literacies, technology, paradigm shifts.

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