Relation between Environmental Accounting and Pillars of Sustainability
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 33122
Relation between Environmental Accounting and Pillars of Sustainability

Authors: P. Harazin, Gy. Horváth


There are four challenges of sustainable development and in corporate level sustainability management-s role is to answer for ecological sustainability challenge, social sustainability challenge, economic sustainability challenges to environment and social management and integration challenge of corporate sustainable challenges by the help of different concepts, methods, instruments, which are in the toolbox of sustainability management. These instruments, concepts have different relevance in these challenges, and according to different literatures environmental management is outside of social and integration challenge. Main aim of this paper is to represent the answer for the question that: is it true that social and integration point of view is outside of the concept environmental accounting? Using literature review and primer research at the end of the paper the answer will be confirmed.

Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, Environmentalaccounting, Integration, Sustainability management

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