Balanced Scorecard in SMEs – A Proposal for Small Gas Stations in Portugal
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
Balanced Scorecard in SMEs – A Proposal for Small Gas Stations in Portugal

Authors: Ana Paula Monte, Christiane Fontenete


As current business environment is demanding a constant adaptation of companies, the planning and strategic management should be an ongoing and natural process in all kind of organizations. The use of management and monitoring strategic performance tools such as the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) have been popular; even to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. This paper aims to investigate whether the BSC is being used in monitoring the performance of small businesses, particularly in small fuel retailers companies, which are competing in co-branding; and if not, it aims to identify its strategic orientation in order to recommend a possible strategy map for those managers that are willing to adopt this model as an alternative to traditional ones for organizational performance evaluation, which often focus only on evaluation of the organizational financial performance.

Keywords: Balanced Scorecard, Performance Management and Evaluation, SMEs, Strategy Maps

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