The Sizes of Large Hierarchical Long-Range Percolation Clusters
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
The Sizes of Large Hierarchical Long-Range Percolation Clusters

Authors: Yilun Shang


We study a long-range percolation model in the hierarchical lattice ΩN of order N where probability of connection between two nodes separated by distance k is of the form min{αβ−k, 1}, α ≥ 0 and β > 0. The parameter α is the percolation parameter, while β describes the long-range nature of the model. The ΩN is an example of so called ultrametric space, which has remarkable qualitative difference between Euclidean-type lattices. In this paper, we characterize the sizes of large clusters for this model along the line of some prior work. The proof involves a stationary embedding of ΩN into Z. The phase diagram of this long-range percolation is well understood.

Keywords: percolation, component, hierarchical lattice, phase transition.

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