Validation of Automation Systems using Temporal Logic Model Checking and Groebner Bases
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33122
Validation of Automation Systems using Temporal Logic Model Checking and Groebner Bases

Authors: Quoc-Nam Tran, Anjib Mulepati


Validation of an automation system is an important issue. The goal is to check if the system under investigation, modeled by a Petri net, never enters the undesired states. Usually, tools dedicated to Petri nets such as DESIGN/CPN are used to make reachability analysis. The biggest problem with this approach is that it is impossible to generate the full occurence graph of the system because it is too large. In this paper, we show how computational methods such as temporal logic model checking and Groebner bases can be used to verify the correctness of the design of an automation system. We report our experimental results with two automation systems: the Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) system and the traffic light system. Validation of these two systems ranged from 10 to 30 seconds on a PC depending on the optimizing parameters.

Keywords: Computational Intelligence, Temporal Logic Reasoning, Model Checking, Groebner Bases.

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