Teachers Learning about Sustainability while Co-Constructing Digital Games
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
Teachers Learning about Sustainability while Co-Constructing Digital Games

Authors: M. Daskolia, C. Kynigos, N. Yiannoutsou


Teaching and learning about sustainability is a pedagogical endeavour with various innate difficulties and increased demands. Higher education has a dual role to play in addressing this challenge: to identify and explore innovative approaches and tools for addressing the complex and value-laden nature of sustainability in more meaningful ways, and to help teachers to integrate these approaches into their practice through appropriate professional development programs. The study reported here was designed and carried out within the context of a Masters course in Environmental Education. Eight teachers were collaboratively engaged in reconstructing a digital game microworld which was deliberately designed by the researchers to be questioned and evoke critical discussion on the idea of ‘sustainable city’. The study was based on the design-based research method. The findings indicate that the teachers’ involvement in processes of co-constructing the microworld initiated discussion and reflection upon the concepts of sustainability and sustainable lifestyles.

Keywords: sustainability, sustainable lifestyles, constructionism, environmental education, digital games, teacher training

Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1056960

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