e-Plagiarism Detection at Glamorgan
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33122
e-Plagiarism Detection at Glamorgan

Authors: Esyin Chew, Haydn Blackey


There are increasingly plagiarism offences for students in higher education in the digital educational world. On the other hand, various and competitive online assessment and plagiarism detection tools are available in the market. Taking the University of Glamorgan as a case study, this paper describes and introduces an institutional journey on electronic plagiarism detection to inform the initial experience of an innovative tool and method which could be further explored in the future research. The comparative study and system workflow for e-plagiarism detection tool are discussed. Benefits for both academics and students are also presented. Electronic plagiarism detection tools brought great benefits to both academics and students in Glamorgan. On the other hand, the debates raised in such initial experience are discussed.

Keywords: Educational Technology, Plagiarism detection, Turnitin

Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1056342

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