Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33122
Knowledge Management and e-Learning –An Agent-Based Approach
Authors: Teodora Bakardjieva, Galya Gercheva
In this paper an open agent-based modular framework for personalized and adaptive curriculum generation in e-learning environment is proposed. Agent-based approaches offer several potential advantages over alternative approaches. Agent-based systems exhibit high levels of flexibility and robustness in dynamic or unpredictable environments by virtue of their intrinsic autonomy. The presented framework enables integration of different types of expert agents, various kinds of learning objects and user modeling techniques. It creates possibilities for adaptive e-learning process. The KM e-learning system is in a process of implementation in Varna Free University and will be used for supporting the educational process at the University.Keywords: agents, e-Learning, knowledge management, knowledge sharing, artificial intelligence
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