Effects of Mobile Design Quality and Innovation Characteristics on Intention to Use Mobile Tourism Guide
Authors: Numtip Trakulmaykee, Ahmad Suhaimi Baharudin, Muhammad Rafie Mohd. Arshad
This study investigates theoretical model of tourist intention in the context of mobile tourism guide. The research model consists of three constructs: mobile design quality, innovation characteristics, and intention to use mobile tourism guide. In order to investigate the effects of determinants and examine the relationships, partial least squares is employed for data analysis and research model development. The results show that mobile design quality and innovation quality significantly impact on tourists’ intention to use mobile tourism guide. Furthermore, mobile design quality has a strong influence on innovation characteristics, and cannot be the moderator on the relationship between innovation characteristics and tourists’ intention to use mobile tourism guide. Our findings propose theoretical model for mobile research and provide an important guideline for developing mobile application.
Keywords: Design quality, Innovation characteristics, Intention, Mobile tourism guide.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1088748
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