Multimodal Biometric Authentication Using Choquet Integral and Genetic Algorithm
Authors: Anouar Ben Khalifa, Sami Gazzah, Najoua Essoukri BenAmara
The Choquet integral is a tool for the information fusion that is very effective in the case where fuzzy measures associated with it are well chosen. In this paper, we propose a new approach for calculating fuzzy measures associated with the Choquet integral in a context of data fusion in multimodal biometrics. The proposed approach is based on genetic algorithms. It has been validated in two databases: the first base is relative to synthetic scores and the second one is biometrically relating to the face, fingerprint and palmprint. The results achieved attest the robustness of the proposed approach.
Keywords: Multimodal biometrics, data fusion, Choquet integral, fuzzy measures, genetic algorithm.
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