Didactic Material Resources in the Teaching of National History and Geography: Selected Results of a Qualitative Survey
Authors: Martin Skutil, Klára Havlíčková, Renata Matějíčková
The paper is the first output of a larger research project conducted at the Faculty of Education of the University of Hradec Králové, which deals with an improved understanding of teachers' work in the subject of National History and Geography. Partial findings focusing on the use of didactic material resources in teaching are presented in this phase. With the regard to promotion of independent activity of students within learner based education, material equipment of schools with didactic aids is becoming increasingly important. This paper is based on qualitative research, where the possibilities and mainly the reasons for use of material didactic resources in teaching were investigated through semi-structured interviews. Attention was focused on ways of working with different teaching aids and their implementation in the educational process. It turns out that teachers accept current constructivist and humanistic approaches to education associated with the requirement to prepare students for life in an information society, and accordingly they adjust their teaching.
Keywords: Primary education, National History and Geography, didactic material resources, qualitative research.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1088412
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