Some Preconditioners for Block Pentadiagonal Linear Systems Based on New Approximate Factorization Methods
Authors: Xian Ming Gu, Ting Zhu Huang, Hou Biao Li
In this paper, getting an high-efficiency parallel algorithm to solve sparse block pentadiagonal linear systems suitable for vectors and parallel processors, stair matrices are used to construct some parallel polynomial approximate inverse preconditioners. These preconditioners are appropriate when the desired target is to maximize parallelism. Moreover, some theoretical results about these preconditioners are presented and how to construct preconditioners effectively for any nonsingular block pentadiagonal H-matrices is also described. In addition, the availability of these preconditioners is illustrated with some numerical experiments arising from two dimensional biharmonic equation.
Keywords: Parallel algorithm, Pentadiagonal matrix, Polynomial approximate inverse, Preconditioners, Stair matrix.
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