Influence of Strength Abilities on Quality of the Handstand
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33122
Influence of Strength Abilities on Quality of the Handstand

Authors: P. Hedbávný, G. Bago, M. Kalichová


The contribution deals with influence of strength abilities on quality of performance of static balance movement structure – handstand. To test the strength abilities we selected following tests: number of push-ups per minute and persistence in trunk backward bend in sitting position. We tested the dependent variable by three tests – persistence in handstand position on a stabilometric platform, persistence in handstand position and evaluation of quality of handstand performance. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to formulate the relationship between variables. The results showed a statistically significant dependence using which we deduced conclusions for training practice.

Keywords: Strength abilities, handstand, balance.

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