Semantic Support for Hypothesis-Based Research from Smart Environment Monitoring and Analysis Technologies
Authors: T. S. Myers, J. Trevathan
Improvements in the data fusion and data analysis phase of research are imperative due to the exponential growth of sensed data. Currently, there are developments in the Semantic Sensor Web community to explore efficient methods for reuse, correlation and integration of web-based data sets and live data streams. This paper describes the integration of remotely sensed data with web-available static data for use in observational hypothesis testing and the analysis phase of research. The Semantic Reef system combines semantic technologies (e.g., well-defined ontologies and logic systems) with scientific workflows to enable hypothesis-based research. A framework is presented for how the data fusion concepts from the Semantic Reef architecture map to the Smart Environment Monitoring and Analysis Technologies (SEMAT) intelligent sensor network initiative. The data collected via SEMAT and the inferred knowledge from the Semantic Reef system are ingested to the Tropical Data Hub for data discovery, reuse, curation and publication.
Keywords: Information architecture, Semantic technologies Sensor networks, Ontologies.
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