Information and Communication Technologies vs. Education and Training: Contribution to Understand the Millennials’ Generational Effect
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33132
Information and Communication Technologies vs. Education and Training: Contribution to Understand the Millennials’ Generational Effect

Authors: Fauquet-Alekhine Philippe


Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are increasing in importance everyday, especially since the 90’s (last decade of birth for the Millennials generation). While social interactions involving the Millennials generation have been studied, a lack of investigation remains regarding the use of the ICT by this generation as well as the impact on outcomes in education and professional training. Observing and interviewing students preparing a MSc, we aimed at characterizing the interaction students-ICT during the courses. We found that up to 50% of the students (mainly female) could use ICT during courses at a rate of 0.84 occurrence/minutes for some of them, and they thought this involvement did not disturb learning, even was helpful. As recent researches show that multitasking leads people think they are much better than they actually are, further observations with assessments are needed to conclude whether or not the use ICT by students during the courses is a real strength.

Keywords: Education, ICT, generational effect, training.

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