Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33122
Building a Service-Centric Business Model in SMEs in the Business-to-Business Context
Authors: Päivi J. Tossavainen , Leena Alakoski, Katri Ojasalo
Building a service-centric business model requires new knowledge and capabilities in companies. This paper enlightens the challenges small and medium sized firms (SMEs) face when developing their service-centric business models. This paper examines the premise for knowledge transfer and capability development required. The objective of this paper is to increase knowledge about SME-s transformation to service-centric business models.This paper reports an action research based case study. The paper provides empirical evidence from three case companies. The empirical data was collected through multiple methods. The findings of the paper are: First, the developed model to analyze the current state in companies. Second, the process of building the service – centric business models. Third, the selection of suitable service development methods. The lack of a holistic understanding on service logic suggests that SMEs need practical and easy to use methods to improve their businessKeywords: service-centric business model, service development, action research, case study
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