Quality-Controlled Compression Method using Wavelet Transform for Electrocardiogram Signals
Authors: Redha Benzid, Farid Marir, Nour-Eddine Bouguechal
This paper presents a new Quality-Controlled, wavelet based, compression method for electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. Initially, an ECG signal is decomposed using the wavelet transform. Then, the resulting coefficients are iteratively thresholded to guarantee that a predefined goal percent root mean square difference (GPRD) is matched within tolerable boundaries. The quantization strategy of extracted non-zero wavelet coefficients (NZWC), according to the combination of RLE, HUFFMAN and arithmetic encoding of the NZWC and a resulting look up table, allow the accomplishment of high compression ratios with good quality reconstructed signals.
Keywords: ECG compression, Non-uniform Max-Lloydquantizer, PRD, Quality-Controlled, Wavelet transform
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1085926
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