Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
The Effects of Work Values, Work-Value Congruence and Work Centrality on Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Authors: Başak Uçanok
The aim of this study is to test the “work values" inventory developed by Tevruz and Turgut and to utilize the concept in a model, which aims to create a greater understanding of the work experience. In the study multiple effects of work values, work-value congruence and work centrality on organizational citizenship behavior are examined. In this respect, it is hypothesized that work values and work-value congruence predict organizational citizenship behavior through work centrality. Work-goal congruence test, Tevruz and Turgut-s work values inventory are administered along with Kanungo-s work centrality and Podsakoff et al.-s [47] organizational citizenship behavior test to employees working in Turkish SME-s. The study validated that Tevruz and Turgut-s work values inventory and the work-value congruence test were reliable and could be used for future research. The study revealed the mediating role of work centrality only for the relationship of work values and the responsibility dimension of citizenship behavior. Most important, this study brought in an important concept, work-value congruence, which enables a better understanding of work values and their relation to various attitudinal variables.Keywords: Work values, work-value congruence, work centrality, organizational citizenship behavior.
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