Possibilities of Delimitation of City Centers Using GIS
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33132
Possibilities of Delimitation of City Centers Using GIS

Authors: Jaroslav Burian, Kateřina Sorbiová, Pavel Tuček, Michaela Tučková


The article describes problems of city centers with regard to possibilities of their delimitation in a GIS environment. First the definitions and delimitations of a city centre which are in use are mentioned, furthermore a chosen case study (the historical centre of Olomouc city in the Czech Republic) is employed to describe the methods of delimitation in use. In addition to describing the current state, the article also deals with possibilities of delimitation of a city centre in GIS environment by means of several chosen approaches. The authors describe, compare and discuss the chosen methods and assess the achieved results and also applicability of the designed methods for other cities.

Keywords: analysis, city center, GIS, spatial structures

Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1083739

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