Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33148
On Simulation based WSN Multi-Parametric Performance Analysis
Authors: Ch. Antonopoulos, Th. Kapourniotis, V. Triantafillou
Optimum communication and performance in Wireless Sensor Networks, constitute multi-facet challenges due to the specific networking characteristics as well as the scarce resource availability. Furthermore, it is becoming increasingly apparent that isolated layer based approaches often do not meet the demands posed by WSNs applications due to omission of critical inter-layer interactions and dependencies. As a counterpart, cross-layer is receiving high interest aiming to exploit these interactions and increase network performance. However, in order to clearly identify existing dependencies, comprehensive performance studies are required evaluating the effect of different critical network parameters on system level performance and behavior.This paper-s main objective is to address the need for multi-parametric performance evaluations considering critical network parameters using a well known network simulator, offering useful and practical conclusions and guidelines. The results reveal strong dependencies among considered parameters which can be utilized by and drive future research efforts, towards designing and implementing highly efficient protocols and architectures.Keywords: Wireless sensor network, Communication Systems, cross-layer architectures, simulation based performance evaluation
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