Trust Building Mechanisms for Electronic Business Networks and Their Relation to eSkills
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
Trust Building Mechanisms for Electronic Business Networks and Their Relation to eSkills

Authors: Radoslav Delina, Michal Tkáč


Globalization, supported by information and communication technologies, changes the rules of competitiveness and increases the significance of information, knowledge and network cooperation. In line with this trend, the need for efficient trust-building tools has emerged. The absence of trust building mechanisms and strategies was identified within several studies. Through trust development, participation on e-business network and usage of network services will increase and provide to SMEs new economic benefits. This work is focused on effective trust building strategies development for electronic business network platforms. Based on trust building mechanism identification, the questionnairebased analysis of its significance and minimum level of requirements was conducted. In the paper, we are confirming the trust dependency on e-Skills which play crucial role in higher level of trust into the more sophisticated and complex trust building ICT solutions.

Keywords: Correlation analysis, decision trees, e-marketplace, trust building

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