Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33179
Issues Problems of Sedimentation in Reservoir Siazakh Dam Case Study
Authors: Reza Gharehkhani
Sedimentation in reservoirs lowers the quality of consumed water, reduce the volume of reservoir, lowers the controllable amount of flood, increases the risk of water overflow during possible floods and the risk of reversal and reduction of dam's useful life. So in all stages of dam establishment such as cognitive studies, phase-1 studies of design, control, construction and maintenance, the problem of sedimentation in reservoir should be considered. What engineers need to do is examine and develop the methods to keep effective capacity of a reservoir, however engineers should also consider the influences of the methods on the flood disaster, functions of water use facilities and environmental issues.This article first examines the sedimentation in reservoirs and shows how to control it and then discusses the studies about the sedimens in Siazakh Dam.Keywords: Sedimentation, Reservoir, Sediment Control, Dam
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